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How to Find and Hire Perfect Ruby Developers

How to

Finding a Ruby developer isn’t difficult. All you need is to define what “perfect” looks like for your project, write a job ad that grabs attention, dig through developer communities, sift through a pile of resumes, and then tackle a round of interviews. Oh, and let’s not forget competing with everyone else trying to snag top talent. 

Easy, right? In reality, it’s more like finding a needle in a haystack – requiring a lot of patience, time, effort…and even a bit of luck. But don’t stress, we’ve got you covered with this guide. So, without further ado, let’s start.

Why Does Your Company Need Ruby Developers?

Ruby developers are incredibly valuable because they have the skills to create a wide range of applications and systems. Ruby, especially with its framework Ruby on Rails, enables developers to build web applications quickly and efficiently. Here’s what Ruby developers can do:

  • Web applications

Ruby developers build powerful, scalable web applications. Ruby on Rails, in particular, makes development fast and manageable.

  • E-commerce platforms

Many popular stores and platforms, like Shopify, are built on Ruby on Rails. This makes Ruby developers highly sought after for creating and maintaining similar systems.

  • APIs & Backend services

Ruby developers create and manage backend infrastructures that support mobile apps, third-party services, and interactions with other systems through APIs.

  • Startups & MVPs (Minimum Viable Products)

Ruby developers are often hired to build MVPs because the language allows for rapid development and the quick addition of new features.

  • Automation tools

Ruby developers also create scripts and programs to automate processes, like data collection, information processing, or server management.

Because of their versatility and efficiency, Ruby developers are indispensable for developing everything from small scripts to large-scale platforms.

Roles and Responsibilities of Ruby Developers

Ruby developers play a crucial role in software development, focusing primarily on building, maintaining, and enhancing web applications using Ruby and its popular framework, Ruby on Rails. Here’s a rundown of what they typically do:

  • They design, code, and implement web apps from the ground up. Using Ruby and often Ruby on Rails, they write clean, maintainable code to bring ideas to life.
  • They focus on the server side of things, ensuring the backend is strong, scalable, and efficient. This involves creating APIs, managing databases, and integrating third-party services.
  • They write tests to catch bugs early, debug issues, and perform code reviews to ensure everything runs smoothly.
  • They design and optimize database queries, create and modify schemas, and make sure data is secure and accurate.
  • They work on making the application faster and more efficient by identifying bottlenecks, improving response times, and ensuring the app can handle a lot of traffic.
  • They keep the application up to date with new features, security patches, and performance tweaks as well as provide support and troubleshoot any issues that come up after the app is live.
Looking for a Ruby on Rails developer and have no idea where to start? Our article answers all your questions. Click here to read.

How Popular Is Ruby Development and How Does This Influence the Hiring Process? 

According to Statista’s 2024 data, Ruby is on the list of the most used programming languages. Ruby is still popular, especially among web developers, thanks to its simplicity and the power of its framework, Ruby on Rails. 

It’s a language that prioritizes developer happiness, with clean, readable syntax that makes coding a more enjoyable experience. Ruby on Rails, in particular, has a strong following because it allows for rapid development – meaning you can get a web application up and running faster than with many other frameworks.

Also, Ruby has a strong, supportive community, which means there are plenty of resources, gems (pre-built libraries), and plugins available to help speed up development and solve common problems. While it might not be the trendiest language out there today, it’s still a solid choice for startups, established companies, and anyone looking to build scalable web applications quickly and efficiently.

Ruby’s popularity and strong community influence the hiring process in a few key ways.

First, because Ruby on Rails allows for rapid development, companies often look for developers who can hit the ground running and deliver results quickly. This means that when hiring, employers tend to prioritize candidates with hands-on experience in Ruby and Rails, as they can immediately contribute to ongoing projects.

However, the demand for skilled Ruby developers can also make hiring competitive. Since many startups and established companies rely on Ruby, there’s often a lot of competition to attract top talent. This can lead to higher salaries and more attractive job offers to secure the right developers.

Additionally, the strong Ruby community means employers might favor candidates who are active in the community or have contributed to open-source projects, as this demonstrates both expertise and a commitment to staying current with the latest developments in Ruby.

What Are Ruby Developers Salaries Worldwide?

It’s obvious that Ruby developers charge different rates in different locations. Moreover, how much they earn also depends on a range of factors such as their level of expertise and seniority, the specific industry they’re working in, and the demand for their skills in their particular region. For instance, developers in major tech hubs might command higher rates due to increased competition and living costs, while those in less saturated markets might see more modest rates.

Explore Ruby developers’ salaries across the globe that we gathered from various salary comparison sites:

LocationAverage monthly rateAverage hourly rate 

Surprised by such low hourly rates charged by Ukrainian developers? While the rates might be lower compared to other locations, this doesn’t mean the quality is compromised. Ukrainian developers often offer competitive rates due to lower living costs and a strong emphasis on providing value. 

They are highly skilled and well-educated, with many having experience working on international projects. The combination of affordability and high-quality work makes them a popular choice for companies looking to balance budget and expertise without sacrificing standards.

Why Is Red Jumpers the Best Company to Help You Hire Ruby Developers?

Hire Perfect Ruby Developers

Red Jumpers stands out because we combine deep industry expertise with a keen understanding of your specific needs. Our team excels at sourcing top Ruby talent, thanks to our extensive network (7,000+ professionals) and rigorous vetting process. We don’t just find developers; we match you with professionals who not only have the technical skills but also align with your company’s culture and project requirements.

With a track record of successful placements (250+) and a commitment to providing ongoing support, Red Jumpers ensures you get high-quality, reliable Ruby developers who can make an immediate impact. Our tailored approach, coupled with competitive rates and a focus on long-term partnerships, makes us the go-to choice for companies looking to hire top-notch Ruby talent.


Of course, you can spend your time and find a perfect Ruby developer on your own. But why not entrust this to a professional staff augmentation company like Red Jumpers and get the right specialist within just 48 hours? Sounds quite lucrative, right? Don’t hesitate to contact us – get rid of the complexities of the hiring process and focus on growing your business instead; Red Jumpers will tackle everything else.