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How to Find and Hire Perfect Front End Developers

How to

When was the last time you tried to find a skilled front-end developer for your company? It might seem like the market is full of candidates, but finding the right one isn’t so easy. In this article, we’ll explore how to approach hiring a front-end developer in a way that ensures they don’t just fill a position but also help your business grow and thrive.

Why Does Your Company Need Front End Developers?

Companies require front-end developers to construct engaging and user-friendly interfaces for their web applications and websites. These developers play a pivotal role in shaping the initial impression a user has of a product or service. Their expertise in creating visually appealing, intuitive, and responsive designs contributes significantly to user satisfaction, conversion rates, and overall brand perception.

What does a front-end developer do:

  1. Creates the structure of web pages (HTML)
  2. Designs the appearance of pages (CSS)
  3. Adds interactivity (JavaScript)
  4. Optimizes web application performance
  5. Ensures cross-browser compatibility

When companies especially need front-end developers:

  • For creating new web applications and websites
  • For updating their existing interfaces
  • For developing mobile applications
  • For creating interactive website elements (sliders, forms, animations, etc.)
  • For integrating with various services and APIs

Front-end developers are more than just coders. Their work directly impacts the success of your business in the digital world.

Roles and Responsibilities of Front End Developers

In essence, front-end developers bridge the gap between design and functionality, creating engaging and accessible digital experiences that leave a lasting impression on users.

Their key responsibilities include:

  • UI design – They ensure that the design aligns with the project’s goals and adheres to best practices for accessibility and usability.
  • HTML structure – They build the foundational structure of web pages using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).
  • JavaScript interactions – They implement JavaScript to handle user input, perform calculations, and create animations or other engaging features like dropdown menus, sliders, etc.
  • CSS styling – They make sure your website isn’t just functional but visually appealing by using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
  • Responsive design – They ensure websites and applications adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes (desktops, tablets, smartphones).
  • Performance optimization – They leverage image compression, code minification, and efficient use of frameworks and libraries to make sure your website loads quickly and runs efficiently, which is crucial for both user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Accessibility – They implement features like alternative text for images, keyboard navigation, and appropriate color contrasts to adhere to accessibility standards and make your site or app user-friendly for people with disabilities.
  • Cross-browser compatibility – They ensure your website or application renders correctly across different browsers and devices to provide a consistent user experience.

Trending Front End Technologies for 2024

For 2024 and beyond, the following front-end technologies are expected to be particularly popular:

  1. React remains the leader due to its flexibility, large community, and broad ecosystem.
  2. Vue.js continues to gain popularity due to its ease of learning and high performance.
  3. Angular – supported by Google and offers a complete solution for building large-scale web applications.
  4. Svelte attracts attention for its compactness and high performance by compiling components directly into JavaScript.
  5. Backbone.js provides a simple structure for complex client-side applications using models with views and collections for data management.
  6. Ember.js offers a full framework with built-in solutions for routing and state management, aimed at creating ambitious web applications.
  7. Gatsby.js generates static sites using React, ensuring fast load times and excellent SEO through pre-rendering of pages.
  8. Meteor – a full-stack platform for real-time web application development, simplifying the creation and deployment with integrated front-end and back-end.
  9. Flutter allows for creating cross-platform applications for mobile and web with a single codebase, providing high performance and flexibility.
  10. Ionic – a framework for building hybrid mobile applications using web technologies, enabling simultaneous development for both iOS and Android.
Ready to find the best Python developers for your team? Check out our guide for practical tips and insights on hiring the right talent.

What are Front End Developers Salaries Worldwide?

Let’s see how much front-end developers typically make around the globe so you can have a better understanding of where it’s best to look for specialists.

According to, in the US, front-end developers charge on average $52.89 hourly, which translates into $9,167 a month. The same source demonstrates that in Canada, you can expect to pay anywhere from $29.29 to $65.81 per hour, which is $8,455 monthly on average. In Australia, hourly rates are even higher and can go up to $86.55/hour.

In Poland, front-end developers make $1 972,31 per month on average, whereas in Ukraine, you can get the same – or even better – level of services for $787,69 monthly on average. Ukraine offers a lower cost of living, which ensures competitive services at a lower cost while maintaining quality.

Why Is Red Jumpers the Best Company to Help You Hire Front-End Developers?

Let’s see why it’s better to opt for a staff augmentation company first:

  • Such companies have access to a wide pool of talent with diverse backgrounds and skillsets.
  • You can easily increase or decrease team size based on your current project needs without worrying about long-term commitments.
  • Such agencies help reduce the time required to find and hire new employees.
  • By delegating the hiring and management of front-end developers to a staff augmentation company, you can focus on strategic tasks and business development.
  • Partner agencies take responsibility for labor law and human resource management issues, allowing you to avoid additional risks and costs.
  • Developers provided through such companies often already have experience in a variety of projects and can quickly adapt to your processes and requirements.

All this is true about Red Jumpers. Here are just a few more facts about Red Jumpers to provide proofs:

  • 7 years of experience
  • Over 7,000 vetted professionals
  • More than 250 successful contracts
  • 30 countries we work with
  • 48 hours for candidate selection and validation


Finding a skilled front-end developer can be a game-changer for your project’s success. Using a staff augmentation company like Red Jumpers simplifies the process, giving you access to skilled professionals quickly and efficiently. With our experience and extensive network, Red Jumpers can help you find the right front-end developer to meet your needs without the hassle. Don’t waste time and effort, contact us now, and let’s discuss your project.