If you work in B2B and sometimes face the bench problem, or want to expand your sales or services – this article is for you.
Red Jumpers App is a tool that lets you track only the requests aligned with your stack and easily manage information about the candidates to quickly address your clients’ requests.
In this article, we discuss how to get access to Red Jumpers App and its functions in every little detail.
- How to Become a Red Jumpers Partner?
- How to Receive Client Requests?
- Can I Track New Requests Emerging in the App?
- How To Manage Candidates’ Information?
- The Final Thoughts
How to Become a Red Jumpers Partner?
Fill out the contact form with your name, e-mail address, phone number, and your company’s name. Then, push the “Jump” button.

Or schedule a call with our manager by choosing a suitable time slot in the calendar.

Our application is a closed system, so you will get a call from our manager to better understand your interests. After we agree on the details, we can start our partnership. The call will take approximately 30 mins.
How to Receive Client Requests?
Each request in the RJ App is based on a specific technology. We recommend choosing your stack in the “Technologies” section. Use the search to quickly find the required technology, as the screenshot shows below. Once you’ve marked the checkboxes next to the needed technologies, they’ll be automatically saved in your profile. You can change your stack any time if needed.

Also, you can submit a subscription to all available technologies. To do this, just click on “Choose all”. If the list of technologies lacks something you need, you can suggest adding the new technology. Once the admin vets your request, the technology will appear in your stack.

Done! Now you’ll receive new requests related to your stack on your email.
Interesting fact: we publish over 100 qualified requests each month in the app.
Can I Track New Requests Emerging in the App?
Yes, you can. To do that, sign in on our site and go to the “All requests” tub. You can go through all the requests relevant to your tech stack or without technology preferences.

Each request is highly qualified. It includes requirements for the candidates, project description, rating, language skills, and client’s priorities. Additionally, you can see who is the manager of this project from our side. You can contact the RJ manager anytime you have questions or need more details on the project or a candidate. You’ll see the manager’s contacts after clicking the request card:

If some of the requests got your attention, there are a few ways to offer candidacy. You can either attach your CV or create one. To attach the file, click on the “Find” button in the active request:

After pressing the “Find” button, you’ll be redirected to the “My Bench” section. This section keeps the record of all your candidates. Find the relevant candidate and click the “Choose” button, to offer their candidacy to the company.

If a candidate isn’t on the “My Bench” list, you can send the CV directly from a request you’ve chosen by clicking on the “Send” button.

Now you need to fill in the information about your candidate and attach CV.

The candidate that you’ve offered in a request, is automatically added to the candidates’ list in the “My Bench” section. If, for some reason, you don’t have a ready-made CV, you can create it in our editor simply by clicking the “Create CV” button.
How To Manage Candidates’ Information?
You can manage all your candidates in the “My Bench” section. Key features of this section include:
- upload CV,
- create a new CV with our editor,
- manage candidate’s availability (no need to delete candidates, just change their availability),
- track candidate’s status you’ve submitted for consideration,
- receive feedback about submitted candidates.
How to Add Candidates Information, Who’s On the Bench?
Go to the “My Bench” section, and press the «Create new candidate» in the top right corner.

Then, you need to fill in a short form with a candidate’s key skills and upload their CV.

If you have no prepared candidate’s CV, you can use our CV editor. The editor helps to enter relevant information and generates a clear and well-structured CV in .pdf format and white-label style, without the RJ logo. You can save this file and use it anytime you need.

After you’ve filled in all the necessary information, don’t forget to save it by clicking on the «Create Candidate» button.
NB! The information in the “My Bench” section is available only for you and RJ managers.
It’s crucial to keep candidates’ availability up to date. If the candidate isn’t available, you should change their status. You can change the candidate’s status anytime you need.
How to Change a Candidate’s Availability Status?
Click on the candidate’s name to start editing the profile:

After that, in the “Availability” section, change the candidate’s status by choosing the relevant status in the dropdown menu:

How to Track My Candidate Status After Responding to the Request?
You can see all submitted candidates in the «Candidates on review» section. You’ll also see if the candidate was chosen from the system or attached to the request card directly.

You can also see the feedback on your candidate or their CVs at each stage of request processing:
- accepted to consideration,

- needs improvements.

The Final Thoughts
When candidates are added in the “My Bench” section, this provides several advantages: when submitting a candidate for a certain request, you can use the candidate selection function – the system will tell you who to submit where. You won’t need to download a file, you can add a candidate from the candidate database in 1 click.
In addition, when the RJ manager creates a new request, the system will automatically tell the manager that you have a suitable candidate. This speeds up the process of selecting a candidate for a project and a project for an available candidate. The process becomes two-way and everything works more efficiently.
We care about our partners and are always open to dialogue. If you have any questions or need help, contact a personal manager or fill out the feedback form on the website. Let us help you exceed your goals and create new opportunities for your customers!